Monday, 2 January 2012


Hi Clarisse !!

How are you?  
As you know I just returned from my trip to New Zealand and I have just received your letter asking me how it went. This country is AMAZING !!!!!
I am enclosing a card to the letter  for to get one's bearings.
So, I fell in love with this country, Maori culture is fascinating, you know?
The Maori are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand who have settled in successive waves from the 13th century. They are now more than 600,000 live in New Zealand and they are an important part of culture and history. They are very impressive with their tattoos all over his body.

This culture is very touristy but this is especially an ancient tribal way of life, that continues from generation to generation.
Maori were great warriors who spent their time to compete, there are now only dances and songs picked up by their descendants in the show.
It is stunning !!!!

I think I will start saving now to go back to there, I hope you come with me?

See you soon !!



  1. I suggest you to correct your title

    "An Amazing trip"

    with "N" because the next word begin with a vowel sound.

  2. Thank you for the correction, I had not really seen
